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Feb 01, 2015

2015: Turnin' it Up! It's Gonna Expand Folks!

2015: Turnin' it Up! It's Gonna Expand Folks!

Speaker: Pastor Virgil Stokes

Series: Turnin' it Up

TEXT: Psa 36:5-10 / Joh 4:14 / Rev 22:17 MSG Come!" say the Spirit and the Bride. Whoever hears, echo, "Come!" Is anyone thirsty? Come! All who will, come and drink, Drink freely of the Water of Life!

2015: He is turning it up!!! We were admonished to be sure we are on track with the vision God gave us, so lets review and go on deeper into 2015

FCFT Vision/Commission: "Open a Fountain of My Healing Power in this place We do this by Repairing broken people, preparing willing people, and celebrating the goodness of God.