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Jan 26, 2014

Charging the Atmosphere

Charging the Atmosphere

Speaker: Pastor Virgil Stokes

Series: 2014 The Real Church

TEXT: Matt 9:35-38 / Luk 11:33

A fountain of healing power: Repair, prepare, celebrate!!!!

The Word and the Spirit ... Keepin it real!

2014: We are now a real church with a sustainable base and a long reach. It is time to impact Tucson.

A Real Church: Without pretense or artifice. It is the people of God striving together to follow God, individually and corporately, through His Word and His Spirit

We have a plan and process. A real church prays, and bears fruit. We are known by our fruit. Our fruit is not programs, it is people!

3 aspects: We have a unique atmosphere, a houseful of transformed lives, and ministries and places of service that spring from the hearts of the people God put here.

Today: Charging the Atmosphere with Welcome, Word, and Worship.