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Oct 04, 2015

Strong Foundations: Water Baptiism

Speaker: Pastor Virgil Stokes

Series: Strong Foundations

Baptism is an ancient practice in many religions, Judaism. Definitions and examples:

Baptize = baptizo : submerge; to make overwhelmed (i.e. fully wet);. a form of bapto, "to dip," Used among the Greeks to signify the dyeing of a garment, or the drawing of water by dipping a vessel into another, etc. Plutarchus uses it of the drawing of wine by dipping the cup into the bowl

The baptism of John: total immersion signifying a turning of the person's life, away from the old life to a looking forward to the imminent coming of Messiah. Luke 3:3-18

Jesus baptism was one of separation for service, preparing to enter His ministry. Numbers 4:3 / Exodus 29:4-7

Christian Baptism is first of all the answer of a good conscience