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Jun 08, 2014

walk in Truth 10: Stand, Withstand, Stand & Stand

walk in Truth 10: Stand, Withstand, Stand & Stand

Passage: Ephesians 6:10-14

Speaker: Pastor Virgil Stokes

Series: WalkInTheTruth

Ephesians lets us know that before we can walk, we first have to sit.

Once we are seated, then we can walk. We looked at walking worthy of

our calling, and getting free from a Gentile mind. We learned to imitate

God and walk in love. We began to talk about Walking in the Light: The

light of the Word, the light of love, and the light of the Spirit, conscience

and the inward witness. Our last stage of walking is to walk in wisdom.

First in personal relationships, then toward the world

Once we have learned to walk, it is time to learn to stand!!! Notice how

Paul presents the finally to the book: Eph 6:10-14 Stand, withstand,

stand, and stand.