What to Expect

At FCFTucson you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to growing in our relationship with Jesus, our understanding of His Word, & learning to yield to the direction of the Holy Spirit as we Celebrate God's goodness and impact our community and beyond.

A Warm Welcome

A heartfelt greeting is part of what makes a church a church. No matter what question you might have just ask. Our foyer is an open inviting space with plenty of seating for conversation and coffee.

Hot Coffee

There’s nothing like the smell of good coffee.  At FCFTucson the coffee counter is always open at least an hour before our services begin.


A place where friendships can form, relationships can deepen, and people can relax. You can expect a place that loves to have fun and is serious about joy, true joy, the kind of joy that comes from real connection with God and others.


Expect to be noticed. Expect people to say something like, “Hi, we haven’t met before, is this your first time?”. Expect for people to reach out to you in love.


From hymns to contemporary worship you'll hear on the radio we use music to show our Lord how much we love and honor Him at a decibel level that won't hurt your ears.


We take exploring, explaining, and growing in God's Word seriously. The Bible is God's truth and we want to grow in understanding His Word and in relationship with Him.  You will find a number of opportunities to grow in your faith through our Weekly Services, our Adult Ministry groups, or by enrolling in classes at Faith Ministry Training Institute.