Featured Books
$6 - Is There an Interpreter in the House
$20 - Recovery Combo Pack

History of the Church $60
This survey of Church History will emphasize the hand of God in perfecting His Church. It will be an overview of 2000 years of God’s working with an emphasis on the development of the great doctrines of Christianity and the circumstances that prompted their formalization. We will look at how history impacted the Church and also how the Church has impacted history. Special mention will be made of personalities who shaped the church as well as the great councils and debates that moved us to where we are today. It has been said that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. We will attempt to identify the heresies and mistakes of centuries past, and see where we are faced with similar issues today. We will also see that in the Providence of God, what we refer to as the Reformation is in reality a step in the progress of God’s plan for the Church that He planned in eternity, empowered at the Resurrection, and is moving to fruition in a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. This is an 8-hour adventure in Providence, heroism, and victory + reading and written assignments.