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$6 - Is There an Interpreter in the House
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Panning for Gold* - Sermon on the Mount $60
Biblical Exegesis
Required for Servant Level (Students have a choice of which Panning for Gold course the wish to take for their Biblical Exegesis component. The other course could be taken as an elective.)
Bible teachers often present varying interpretations of the same passage of Scripture. Some differences are simply matters of opinion or emphasis. Others result from inadequate methods of interpretation. Using the Sermon on the Mount as our example, we will learn methods to find the original intent of a passage, interpret it in the light of our current setting, and present it to others in a meaningful way. Along the way we will find golden nuggets of truth from this timeless masterpiece taught by Our Lord. Come prepared to be awed by new insight into a righteousness beyond our grasp yet ours by grace. This class satisfies the Biblical Exegesis requirement. 8 class hours + reading and written assignments.