Featured Books
$6 - Is There an Interpreter in the House
$20 - Recovery Combo Pack

Spirit Filled Ministry* $60
Ethics in Ministry Management
Required for Leadership Level
Beginning in the early years of the 20th Century, the Holy Spirit began to be manifest in churches in ways that had not been common since the first century of the Church. Over the enduing hundred plus years movements and groups have been variously labeled “Pentecostal” - “Full-Gospel” - “Spirit-filled” - “Charismatic” - “Word of Faith”, to name a few. All the various groups, denominations, associations, and independents have in common a belief in the Person and power of the Holy Spirit in tangible manifestation. Though nuances of definition may vary, all hold in some form to the reality and practice of speaking in tongues, praying for the sick, and the manifestation of so-called “charismatic” gifts as listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. This course will attempt to address subjects that will help the student in the quest for supernatural, Spirit-empowered ministry. The goal is to produce ministries that are ever fresh in the guiding of the Spirit and ever ready to bring the power of God into contact with suffering humanity in order to release the captives and bring glory to the Living God.