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$6 - Is There an Interpreter in the House
$20 - Recovery Combo Pack

The Ministry Gifts $60
Ephesians 4:11 lists 5 ministry offices that God has set in the church for the equipping of believers to carry out the work of the Gospel. The Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher are still in the Church today. This class will discuss how to recognize and develop a call to ministry. It will also define each of the gifts and give examples of their purpose in the Body. Believers will learn how to better receive from the gifts God has set in the Body. Topics include “Calling and preparation for ministry”, “Pitfalls for the person who is called to ministry”, “How to receive from the ministry gifts”, “Definitions of the five gifts”, “Purposes and practices of Apostles, Prophets and Evangelists”, “Purposes of ministries within the local church: Pastors and Teachers”. This is an 8 hour course + reading and written assignments.