Featured Books
$6 - Is There an Interpreter in the House
$20 - Recovery Combo Pack

Victory Over Addiction $60
Ministering to alcoholics, addicts, and their families
One in every three people in your congregation is directly affected by the devastation of addiction to drugs or alcohol. Alcoholics and addicts are not some mysterious army of faceless sinners. They are sons and daughters, husbands and wives, and you can help. If you have had or are still struggling with a life-controlling habit, have loved ones in the struggle with addiction, or are in a position of ministry, then this course is for you. This class will help the addict stay free and find their place in the local body, help empower the family in how they can help, and help the Church become more effective in working with addicts. Some topics covered will be: What is an alcoholic? Is addiction a disease or a sin? How does addiction affect the family? How can I help my loved one? What about AA and other support groups? Requirements for recovery. What can the church do? 8 Class hours + reading and written assignments.