Faith Christian Fellowship of Tucson

10am Service

10am Service

Sunday, October 27, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Location: FCFTucson, 3141 W Ironwood Hill Dr, Tucson, AZ US 85745


Join us for Worship

Come for the fellowship, worship, and Biblical message 

Join our service on-site or online as we Celebrate Jesus! Our foyer is open so you can enjoy coffee & connect before or after service for comfort. Our sanctuary has ample seating or you can remain in the foyer for service. If you prefer not to attend in-person just yet, you can view our service today LIVE at 10am on our Facebook page or our YouTube Channel (search for FCFTucson).

If you are in need in this challenging time, please call our office at 520-792-3238.


Want to know about what to expect on Sunday? Learn More

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